Name of the Project : Construction of North South University Campus at Bashundhara, Dhaka. (awarded to ABC-MONICO Joint Venture on ABC : 60% – MONICO : 40% basis)
Description of Works Executed : Construction of 3 level of Basement floors (9.8 metre below ground level), Ground + 7 storey Administration Block, Ground + 9 storey Academic Block North, Ground + 9 storey Academic Block South, Students Plaza, Ground + 8 storey Library & Information Centre, Ground + 7 storey Lecture Hall and Open Air Theatre (OAT), Ground + 5 storey Auditorium (capacity 1,200 person), Roads, Landscaping Civil Works, Ancillary Structures for Services. Total floor area of of the campus is 1,19,172 square metre (12,82,108 square feet).